Online Donations
Making a cash donation is as simple as a click of the mouse! When you donate using PayPal, your gift will be deposited directly into LCSC’s bank account. You will receive a confirmation that you can print and use for tax purposes – all without leaving your home or office.
Donate Online
Matching Gifts
Many companies committed to the well-being of their communities offer matching gift programs to their employees and sometimes their employees’ spouses, retirees and directors. With these programs, a company will match individuals’ gifts to not-for-profit organizations like LCSC. Check with your company’s Human Resources Department to see if this is an option for you.

Planned Gifts
A planned gift often allows you to provide a larger gift to Lakewood Community Services Center and can offer you some real financial advantages. There are many real advantages to making a planned gift, including maximizing your charitable contribution, and getting valuable tax deductions under state and federal laws. Talk to your financial advisor about the type of planned gift that would work best to meet your own financial goals.

In-Kind Gifts
Gifts-in-kind are non-financial contributions that help LCSC provide essential items to individuals and families who come to us in need of non-food products. The following items are always in great demand and always greatly appreciated (and cannot be purchased with food stamps): personal care/hygiene products; paper products including toilet paper and paper towels; laundry and dishwashing soap; and disposable diapers.